Animal Excursions - 7/24/24
Hi everyone! Miss Alex here!!
I can’t believe we’re halfway through our second week of Animal Excursions! That means our camp season is halfway through, WHOA!!! Your campers have been having so much fun around the farm and learning about the importance of our animals.
This week, our theme is about experiencing Bowers Farms’ best feature, our animals! Campers are learning the importance of and how to care for the farm’s livestock. Through hands-on activities and experiences with the livestock, campers will explore the value of the animals and the products that they provide.
Livestock Care & Farm Contribution
To start our day, campers will complete animal chores! Taking care of our livestock is a super important role that Summer Camp takes on each year - Every morning we will feed, fill water, do an overall health check, and enjoy the company of these amazing critters! Our Animal Experience team (Carley, Sophia and Nick) strives to help our campers understand the needs of animals and gain a deeper respect for other living species.
Activities from Tuesday & Wednesday:
Bunny Circle - Campers sit together and will bring one of our farm rabbits (Lucky or Marie) into the circle to play with, learn from, and explore a new animal.
Chicken Coop Hangout - A camper favorite. Campers practice picking up chickens, collecting eggs, and washing them to sell in our farm Store as well as having fun with these feathered friends.
The Best Nest - Creating a similar nest to what a wild bird would make, Campers are invited to test their nest in an egg drop!
Ruminant Buckets - Exploring the difference in digestive systems between ruminant and monogastric animals.
Animal Enrichment - Campers create a boredom buster for their chosen farm animal!
Goat Walk!
Each week our campers create a project to present to their families and friends at our Farm Show! At Bowers Farm Camp, we have our group leaders create a “driving question” for each week of camp. This question is what we ultimately want our campers to learn from their week at camp… For Animal Excursions, our campers are asked to create a collaborative project answering the question - “What is the purpose of Bowers School Farm?”
Come see what your camper had to say/make/do on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 3:15 - 3:30 pm!