Articles to Grow On

L Simonelli L Simonelli

Fence Post Frosty

Looking for a fun winter project for kids and adults alike? We’ve got you covered. This snowman can survive any weather conditions and makes a cute winter decoration.

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L Simonelli L Simonelli

Chocolate Fondant - GF recipe

Chocolate Fondants, or more commonly known as molten chocolate lava cakes are extra special during the holiday season. Here is our family recipe…..

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L Simonelli L Simonelli

Winter Ice Ornament

Take a walk near your house to gather natural materials or use things from your kitchen… to make an ice ornament.

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L Simonelli L Simonelli

Heatless Habaneros

Heatless habaneros are not sweet peppers - there is a subtle sweetness, but they taste very different from the bell peppers, roasting peppers, and lunchbox peppers that we all know and love. The flavor, however, is unusual, delightful, and totally habanero.

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L Simonelli L Simonelli

Chioggio Beets

Chioggia beet is sometimes known as the Bullseye Beet or Candycane Beet. When you slice it from side to side you are able to observe the beautiful concentric rings of white and red that give Chioggia beets their alternate monikers

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L Simonelli L Simonelli

The Making of a Pumpkin

Long before our visitors come out in the fall to visit our pumpkin patch, the work to produce a pumpkin has begun. For producers that work is continuous, a seasonal cycle of planning, growing, observing, marketing and then doing it all over again

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